

FID Fractional-order Transfer Function SISO system identification


function [a,na,b,nb,L,Gid] = fid(fs,gparam,idd,npoints,type,fixpoly,limits,op)


FID Fractional-order Transfer Function SISO system identification

where  A,NA,B,NB, L and GID - identified system coefficients, input/output
                              delay from delay term exp(-Ls) and FOTF object.
                              If the algorithm is 

       FSIM | G    - either FSPARAM structure to use approximations for
                     identification with the initial function or the
                     initial function as a FOTF object. If the FOTF object
                     has a set ioDelay value, it will also be identified
                     in the ensuing optimization. To ignore the delay
                     parameter set it to [] (i.e. empty matrix) in the initial
       GPARAM      - a cell array with explicit model parameters: {K, L},
                     where K is the static gain and L is the input-output
                     delay in seconds. Specifying this input argument as
                     [] (or each individual parameter, e.g. {K, []}) will
                     remove the parameter(s) from the identification problem.
                     NOTE! The static gain will ONLY be identified in case
                     of free identification (all parameters of both
                     polynomials are identified).
       IDD         - a FIDATA sturcture with collected system samples.
       Optional arguments
       NPOINTS     - number of points to use for identification; this
                     allows to reduce the time it takes to estimate a
                     model, i.e. for obtaining an initial estimate, at an
                     expense of accuracy. If the number of points
                     specified here is larger than half the number of
                     points in the dataset, all available points will be
                     used for identification. Specifying 0 or [] will
                     yield the same effect, that is all points are used,
                     and it is also the default behavior.
       TYPE        - identification type: 'n' - free identification,
                     'c' - fix coefficients, 'e' - fix exponents
                     (default: 'n')
       FIXPOLY     - a vector with two values: [BFIX; AFIX], where BFIX
                     and AFIX can be 1, in which case the corresponding
                     polynomial is fixed during identification, or 0.
                     Note that in case BFIX = AFIX = 1 the initial model
                     will be immediately returned with no identification
                     conducted. Default: [0; 0]
       LIMITS      - a cell array with two vectors, which may also be
                     empty, containing polynomial coefficient and 
                     exponent limits in the form {[CMIN;CMAX],[EMIN;EMAX]}.
                     Default: [] (i.e. no limits are imposed.)
       OP          - additional optimization options for lsqnonlin
                     (use optimset). Note, that you can set the preferred
                     optimization algorithm here. This is done as follows:
                     OP.IdentificationAlgorithm = 'trr':
                     Trust-Region-Reflective algorithm is used;
                     OP.IdentificationAlgorithm = 'lm':
                     Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is used, for the latter
                     OP.Lambda determines the lambda parameter, 0.01 by
                     default. NB! The 'lm' algorithm does not handle bound
                     constraints! The upper/lower limits of search
                     parameter space will be discarded!

       See also: fsparam, fidata, optimset, lsqnonlin


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